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biggie написал(а):


I prefer Oxford Leaner's and Macmillan students', coz I find macmillan convenient and Oxford has more "synonym" stuff in it.



well I've got Oxford synonyms/antonyms dict. (great for Ru-En translation) and Macmillan D for advanced learners but I use them not so often



Discipline is making the choice
between what you want now and
what you want most.
I found this quote in one of the dicts and decided to share as it is close to existing reality

Отредактировано Linka (14-01-2011 22:13:06)



biggie написал(а):

well I've got Oxford synonyms/antonyms dict

I have Chambers synonyms dic. It is of great help of course. I do remember how I bought it, seems years ago. I was a student, what means no money for honey, but I saved a bit for a rainy day and when I visited Vilnius on some educational programme I decided that such a day had come. So I ran into nearest bookshop and as appeared that was the only dictionary I could afford. So I made my mind and bought it, but honestly it was the right choice.



as for stories about dictionaries I've got one, too :)
I got my Macmillan as a prize in a competition organized by a British magazine, and they sent it via either UPS or EMS (I can't remember now). and then one day instead of getting my parcel post statement I got a telegram from our central post-office saying I had to call some office in Minsk airport... well I called there and a guy explained to me that they had my parcel (=my copy of the dictionary) and I had to come in person to pay customs duty and something else if I wanted to get that parcel. I figured out that in this case (all payments +trip to Minsk) I would've paid too much money (two prices of the dictionary!!!), so I told the guy to send that effing parcel back to the UK.
After that I emailed the competition organizers to describe my situation and they kindly sent me another copy via our "Belpochta" together with their apologies(!)...
but even then I wasn't satisfied - my Macmillan included CD-Rom which for some reason failed to start http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/he_and_she/girl_cray2.gif



biggie написал(а):


gush... how SYSTEM works. OMG... what happened to that "Minsk" parsel I wonder...



Linka написал(а):

what happened to that "Minsk" parsel I wonder.

I want to believe it was posted back to the publisher, but in our country things do happen ;)



biggie написал(а):

it was posted back to the publisher,

I guess it is unreal and do not think any of customs representatives took this initiative.



Linka написал(а):

customs representatives took this initiative

The person I talked to wasn't a customs official, he was an employee of that parcel service and he said normally they only provided delivery service for legal entities, not individuals. And he assured me that they would return the package back to the sender - that was the rule to follow if a package wasn't collected by its addressee within a week or two (can't remember now). So it's pretty much 'a matter of conscience' if you know what I mean ;)



biggie написал(а):

'a matter of conscience'

yeap, it's understandable.

any more stories about "bookamania"?



Linka написал(а):


oh that's my diagnosis. my husband used to make fun of me looking at all my books in English. he said, 'If you sold all your English books and dictionaries, we could buy another car.'
To Linka and Irina,
there's a great blog by a translator with loads of interesting and useful info about Trados!

Отредактировано biggie (16-01-2011 13:22:29)



biggie написал(а):

oh that's my diagnosis.

I'll definetely translate this message to my hubby, saying "see, I am not the only one spending thousands for books", this can't be cured and there's no remedy. Take it as it is and let me enjoy shopping"

biggie написал(а):

there's a great blog by a translator

thx for the link. I had trados and CAT means installed at work, sometimes it was't very convenient, I would say it was even faster to do word by word translation in txt even though oil and gas terminology repeated very often. But there were cases of course, when trados saved a lot of time and gave to opportunity to chat at work with colleagues instead of being occupied with loads of "caterpillar" manuals for translation.

Отредактировано Linka (16-01-2011 15:07:48)



Linka написал(а):

thx for the link.

my pleasure!
when I first found that blog I spent a few hours just reading it.



biggie написал(а):

when I first found that blog I spent a few hours just reading it.

I just looked through and downloaded "father's series", though haven't opened it so far.



Linka написал(а):

downloaded "father's series"

Well done! A few months ago I downloaded it too and I'm going to use it soon, with my elder girl.



Since nobody else wants to contribute, I'll keep this going all by myself... but I still hope to get some reaction.

And my question is if anybody reading this topic knows what's in my avatar?  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif



biggie написал(а):

Since nobody else wants to contribute, I'll keep this going all by myself...

the topic is more like a dialog...

when I see your avatar a very popular phrase comes to my mind, that is "if you want anything big and tidy, you'll have to wash an elephant".




Linka написал(а):

if you want anything big and tidy, you'll have to wash an elephant".

thanks for your response! I'll wait till someone else tries... or shall I give a clue?
by the way, where's Ksanka?



biggie написал(а):

by the way, where's Ksanka?

Ksanka moved to Brestskikh diviziy, not sure whether she has Internet access or not. She might be very busy these days making her new flat a real home with every thing on the right place.
Ksanka, we're waiting for  you to come back:)

pink elephantie in your avatar carries a suitcase full of good emotions from the holiday spent in a picturesque seaside nook I might be mistaken, just writing what comes to my mind when I look at this funny pic.

Отредактировано Linka (27-01-2011 16:18:29)



Linka написал(а):

pink elephantie in your avatar carries a suitcase full of good emotions from the holiday spent in a picturesque seaside nook

that's lovely! but er... not correct :)
ок. here's my first clue: my elephant's got a name and there's a kid song about her that kids in the UK and US usually know...



biggie написал(а):

my elephant's got a name and there's a kid song about her that kids in the UK and US usually know...

Is it the one, I mean the song, published in "Nastol'naya kniga prepodavatelia inyaza"?



Linka написал(а):

the song, published in "Nastol'naya kniga prepodavatelia inyaza"?

o.O I don't know - what exactly is in the book? I mean my copy of this book is pretty old and there're no songs there

Отредактировано biggie (28-01-2011 14:20:37)



Hello everybody! I'd be glad to join!



You're very welcome! :)



Мальвина написал(а):

Hello everybody! I'd be glad to join!

you're welcome. Let's get aquainted then.

biggie написал(а):

there're no songs there

there're lots of songs and verses in some 2003-2006 editions, I found them very interesting and useful during my school practice.



Linka написал(а):

there're lots of songs and verses in some 2003-2006 editions, I found them very interesting and useful during my school practice.

great!  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/good.gif but what about the song and the elephant? can you tell the answer to my avatar question -  the elephant's name?



Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

is this song meant? then the name is Nellie the intelligent Elephant



well done! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/clapping.gif



Linka написал(а):

you're welcome. Let's get aquainted then.

I'm quite new to the website. Your idea to communicate in English sounds like fun though. Just a little surprised that there are so few people...As for myself, a stay-at-home mum, formerly an English teacher, looking for some company here :blush:



Мальвина написал(а):

like fun though

it is more like mums on parental leave need more practice:))
I studied to be a teacher but life helped me to escape this lot and I worked as an interpreter.