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Girls, what about teaching English to our children? If you do, what age would you consider to be the most appropriate? Do you think speaking English with one's child (which is not speaking Russian yet) will lead to confusion of native and foreign words?
In my opinion, there is no need to speak foreign language with your little child (if you're not going to emmigrate, of course) until a child doesn't speak native language more or less comprehensible. Playing some games using English words, poems and songs will be quite enough to introduce the language to a child and to make a background for further substantial learning.
Do you think otherwise?



When I studied at he luceum there's a girl. Her mum spoke Russian with her & dad spoke English. At 6 years he began to teach her German. So she could speak Russian, Belorussian, English & German when she was 16. After graduating she went abroad to have education. It's an ideal variant ot studying foreing language.
Early studying is difficult because of pronounciation. Now I try to teach EL for 4-year-old girl & I have problems with [r]-sound. She doesn't know what to do with her tongue...



ksanka, and what about you? I mean, do you speak English with your daughter?



Julia&Maria написал(а):

I mean, do you speak English with your daughter?

I tried to speak in English with my son, but suddenly I realized that it bores me to death. I also think that in such an age rhymes, songs, verses etc. are enough.
If it were 50X50, I mean mom is in English, dad is in Russian in this case it might bring results, but my 50-part is ruined by grandparents, antie and other relatives who speak in Russian with my child.



Julia&Maria написал(а):

In my opinion, there is no need to speak foreign language with your little child (if you're not going to emmigrate, of course) until a child doesn't speak native language more or less comprehensible. Playing some games using English words, poems and songs will be quite enough to introduce the language to a child and to make a background for further substantial learning.

I agree because 

Linka написал(а):

If it were 50X50, I mean mom is in English, dad is in Russian in this case it might bring results, but my 50-part is ruined by grandparents, antie and other relatives who speak in Russian with my child.

as for my own kids, I've written already:

Well I keep trying to encourage my elder daughter, but slowly and gently. If I push too hard she'll lose any interest...
at this stage she knows some phrases, a few simple words, a song or two.

she can also count 1-10 in English

Отредактировано biggie (19-02-2011 17:11:44)



Today when I put my girls to bed they listened to these lovely lullabies. My all-time favourites are 'Hush, little baby' and 'Sleep, baby, sleep' - I sometimes sing them to my kids at bedtime.
Does anyone else sing any lullabies to their children?



during the day time I have lullabies as background music when putting my son to bed, coz it helps me in a one-room flat as he gets used to noise and I can for eg. wash the dishes etc and be sure that he sleeps and doesn't pay attention to what I am doing.

Night sleep is our daddy's duty. His time to "sing" :D



p.s. I have about 15 lullabies in mp3 in case somebody needs.



biggie написал(а):

Does anyone else sing any lullabies to their children?

I sing in Russian. Once or twice I sang some English lullabies (I even chose them espesially in the internet with music), but very soon I forgot the melodies and they began to sound terrible  :whistle: in my performance, so I gave up and continued to sing the Russian ones.  :)



What are your favorite phrases in English?

As for me I like this one
Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what filling it would have (do you know where it comes from?)
and this one as well
If you want to be special be yourself



Linka написал(а):

Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what filling it would have

:) - this quote belongs to that same Mrs Gump, but as far as I remember, it goes like this 'Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

I like quotes from 'Forrest Gump' too, there's so much wisdom there...

I used to collect such phrases... But I don't think I remember them all now http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/madhouse/dash2.gif . ok, here's my favourite: Practice makes perfect.

Отредактировано biggie (24-02-2011 00:18:17)



biggie написал(а):

Practice makes perfect.

this very phrase brings me back to my school years and reminds me of my teacher of history who used to repeat every time "Povtorenije est' muter studiorum" and even in the 8th form she asked what we studied in the 5th))) obviously, we all knew history perfectly



Another phrase that I like: "Love the life you live, live the life you love."



I've just been reading the news on the BBC news web-site and this is at least a weird thing to me http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/madhouse/wacko2.gif ... would you buy such ice cream?
PS This reminded me: many years ago a friend of mine, who's Irish, made a joke about milk in Brest: "Brest milk is the best!" :) (She compared milk in Brest and Minsk actually, but it made a funny pun)

Отредактировано biggie (24-02-2011 23:34:13)



biggie написал(а):

would you buy such ice cream?

Oh, how terrible and disgusting... I could never try it, not speaking about buying. How could such idea ever come to one's mind, I wonder?  :x  (In fact, I couldn't even try my own breast milk though once it was interesting for me to know how it tastes  :blush: )

biggie написал(а):

Brest milk is the best!"

^^  That's what I first thought when opened your pointer and saw a title (I took "Breast" for "Brest")  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif



biggie, if these cute girls on your avatar are your daughters (they are real beauties!) then I guess I recognized you. :) They reminded me (especially the younger one) one outstanding young person of exeptional intellect who was an authority and example for me in my student life. ;) Excuse me if I unmasked you but... Is it really you!?  :jumping:



I tasted my own breast milk once when I was breastfeeding my older girl - just out of curiosity. but I would never taste another woman's stuff, let alone such ice cream!

Julia&Maria написал(а):

They reminded me (especially the younger one) one outstanding young person of exeptional intellect who was an authority and example for me in my student life. ;) Excuse me if I unmasked you but... Is it really you!?

er... so many epithets - that can't be me, I'm afraid http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/blush.gif . but as for the avatar girls - yes, these are my daughters. and you're right, my youngest looks like me :)

Отредактировано biggie (25-02-2011 10:34:44)



Yesterday I was suprised.
From school topics about Belovezhskaya Puscha I knew that "зубр" will be "bizon" in English. But I discovered that it'll be "an aurochs"! Did you know that?



biggie написал(а):

these are my daughters

they're cute



Julia&Maria написал(а):

cute girls

Linka написал(а):

they're cute

thank you, girls!

ksanka написал(а):

From school topics about Belovezhskaya Puscha I knew that "зубр" will be "bizon" in English.

our school textbooks are still far from being perfect  :crazyfun:
anyway, it's not a mistake to say 'bison' and it's perfectly okay to say 'European bison'.



biggie написал(а):

that can't be me, I'm afraid

Oh, yes, it's definitely you!!! Now I have no doubt - I've read all this topic from the very beginning (I was wery sorry I didn't do this earlier) - I recognized your manner of speaking, your humor and, of course, your PERFECT English. Your were one of my favourite and very respected teacher of English 10, 8 and 7 years ago (I graduated in 2004).

biggie написал(а):

er... so many epithets

Yes, you've always been a modest person, though you've always deserved to be admired of (if this verb is ever used in Passive  :blush: ) - I know that, and not only from my groupmates.
N.F., I am very happy to meet you here again and to have an opportunity to communicate with you once more! it's a great honour and a chance for me to improve my skills.



Julia&Maria написал(а):

N.F., I am very happy to meet you here again and to have an opportunity to communicate with you once more! it's a great honour and a chance for me to improve my skills.

thank you very much for your kind words. You got my initials all right :)



Linka написал(а):

What are your favorite phrases in English?

The one which came to my mind: "Never put all your eggs into one basket".
Once I said so to my husband (in Russian).
"I don't have many", he answered.



Julia&Maria написал(а):

"I don't have many", he answered.




The Oscar ceremony as it was reported...
You've got to read to enjoy the language! Here's a quote from the report:

Natalie Portman, baby bump swathed in purple, is here. She says her role in Black Swan was "hard, but amazing" and she loved learning to dance from some of the best ballet performers in the world. If she doesn't win the leading actress gong, we'll eat our hats.

Отредактировано biggie (01-03-2011 15:10:00)



What's the 8th of March to you all?
Do you get any presents? (if you do, is it a surprise gift?)
or are there any other traditions to highlight this 'holiday' in your families?



I do not consider 8th of March as a holiday. Only New Year, Christmas, Easter and Birthdays are the real holidays for me, time for gift exchange and real celebration.
8th of March is a mere opportunity to have an additional day off and receive some roses from my hubby.



Linka написал(а):

I do not consider 8th of March as a holiday.

So am I. But a friend of mine from OUN send me a letter, where she's told that this holiday selebrate in different countries, for ex. Grest Britain.



My parents have always given me a present on this day and my father and brother and I would make it a special day for our mother. so it's a family tradition and we still follow it :).
my girls get pressies too.



I have 3 boys in my family, and I've told them to give me a present the balance.