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rina написал(а):

I've told them to give me a present the balance.

Right! I usually tell my hubby what I'd like to get, too. It's simpler for him and then I don't have to pretend that I like his 'surprise gift'.   :rofl:



biggie написал(а):

I don't have to pretend that I like his 'surprise gift'.

year. We must get our presents in our own hands



biggie написал(а):

I usually tell my hubby what I'd like to get

it works the other way round with me. I do prefer to get a surprise, even in case it will be something I do not want or do not need.

I like the moment when you're about to get something, but have no idea what it is going to be. And yes, this moment might be followed by disappointment, but as for me I do not actually care, coz it is more the attitude and the way the whole thing organized that matter than the item you get in result.

I do not feel it being a real holiday when you get what you want and the phrase some men go with, something of the kind: "here's you present, honey", and then a kiss, and then...errr, that's all. 

be it at least twice (birthday and New Year) or three times (including 8th of March) a year, when men use their brain, switch on the imagination and do something worthy and romantic in case they never do it in the routine of life.



Linka написал(а):

I do prefer to get a surprise, even in case it will be something I do not want or do not need.

Well we played this game with surprise gifts for the first 3 or 4 years of our married life and then we both decided to change the situation. (we've been married for more than 10 years already:) )



Who knows I might also change the approach in future, but at this point I think that surprise is the one of the essentials of any holiday.

Happy 8th of March, btw. Lots of sunshine, happiness and all the best in life.



and my best wishes on the 8th of March!



Germany top for foreign students
I wonder if our students know this... I would've chosen to study there!



I would have probably chosen Australia to study there if I were a student now. In the course of time more and more opportunities appear and it is not a problem now to go for an internship or any other programme and study wherever you like or where you're invited to study.



biggie написал(а):

Germany top for foreign students

That was a really good read! From my experience though I can judge only American universities. And I must say that they deserve much praise.



Has anybody heard 'the new Belarus entry "I Love Belarus" ? (I mean the Eurovision Contest) the news is here...

Отредактировано biggie (14-03-2011 22:29:14)



biggie написал(а):

) the news is here...

much better than it was. and my son liked it)))) he was jumping to the music
I guess this new version has at least a chance.



soooo the day proved to be lucky, as I got a collection of colourful e-books "Berenstain bears" in pdf. they're really great. I like them very-very much, they teach children basic things needed in life. more info is here bears
I will share this collection with pleasure, just let me know in case you decide to have it too.



hey, where are you, local English speakers?  :flag: run out of hot topics?



involved in other discussions, I guess.
I do think that we have not found a hot topic yet



Linka написал(а):

we have not found a hot topic yet

right. but it looks like our 'club members' have lost interest...



if they ever had genuine one...
it reminds me more of a dialog (tri-), than the discussion where lots of opinions meet.
so we really have to think of anything that will present a great interest and help us to activate at least those who were here on p.1))



I mainly only read this topic, because I personally have way more than enough English in my everyday life. So cute how you, ladies, use super-puper proper expressions, and so many British ones too... It reminds me of how people from India speak, when they first move to Canada. Not typical of internet slang at all. I am very impressed that now there are people in Brest, who know English so well. Back in my day, except for foreign language teachers, people at most could "read with a ditionary".



Anelia, can you tell us about Canada?



Well, there is so much to tell. I absolutely sicerely believe that it's the greatest country in the World, and I am so very lucky to have experienced life here. Don't take me wrong, that's not to say that Belarus isn't wonderful. Both my countries, the old and the new, I love with all my heart.
If you wanted to know something specific, I'd be glad to tell you, it's hard to come up with something to say just like that.



I have a question too. could u pls tell us how u learned to speak English? was it in Brest or Canada?



Well, in Brest in school I studied German, and when my parents started getting ready to move to Canada, I didn't think I'd go with them, so I didn't bother. So, when I ended up coming here, I knew probably about a dozen English words. Then I went to school here, when you have English all around you it's quite easy to pick up. In 8 month I knew enough English to pass the languge test and to get accepted to university. I did not really study it that hard, I would say, it kinda came on its own without much effort on my part...



thx for the answer.

Anelia написал(а):

Back in my day, except for foreign language teachers, people at most could "read with a ditionary".

it still seems to be our sad reality - few people here can speak fluent English. nowadays there are more opportunities to learn, technically, but ... I guess it's the whole system that fails (I mean our schools and universities)



Anelia написал(а):

I am very impressed that now there are people in Brest,

I believe it is all due to the globalization and wide range of opportunities, moreover there is a different approach to teach and consequently to learn English at school, it is far from being "just read and translate soviet style of an unnecessary subject at schools"



Well, it's hard to learn a foreign language when you're separated from it, I know it 'cause my French is so-so, though I took it for 4 years in university. I can read and write quite well, I can understand majority of what they're saying, but speaking is so very hard for me, mainly because when I talk I still have to translate in my head. That's why we're sending my daughters to French First Language school. English they can pick up on their own later on, I'm not even worried about it.



Anelia написал(а):

sending my daughters to French First Language school.

Does it mean that you use Russian at home and girls speak Russian as well?



Linka, that's right, they speak only Russian now, they can communicate in French already, becuase since September they've been going to French language daycare, but they don't speak French in complete sentences, they saying either separate words or phrases at most, they can express what they want, and they understand everything the educator tells them, follow all the directions and rules. So, they have already a pretty good start in French. But English is all around us, and even though we're trying to keep them away from it as much as possible (and for as long as possible) it sticks like dirt, I'm telling you...



just for a smile

Есть только миг... между прошлым и будущим... именно он... называется Present Continuous.=)



This couldn't be more darling! LOVE it in EVERY way possible! Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB this week!

переведите мне комент правильно,у меня просто сонения по поводу моего понимания этой фразы)

Отредактировано Зая (29-03-2011 14:59:23)



Anelia написал(а):

Well, it's hard to learn a foreign language when you're separated from it

these words made me think about my experience in learning English. until my fourth year at university (our Brest uni) I couldn't speak English as fluently as I wanted to, though I studied well and my grammar and vocabulary were ok. and then in the summer I had the incredible luck to meet a few Canadians and be their interpreter for two weeks. I picked up lots of phrases from them and what's even more important is that I overcame some kind of psychological barrier and my fluency really improved.
In spite of globalization now in Belarus not many students can have any experience like that. correct me if I'm wrong.



Зая написал(а):

This couldn't be more darling! LOVE it in EVERY way possible! Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB this week

лучше и не скажешь, дорогой/ая! ЛЮБИТЬ это (не знаю, о чем речь) ВСЕМЕРНО/насколько это возможно! Спасибо, что были с нами...