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biggie написал(а):

лучше и не скажешь, дорогой/ая! ЛЮБИТЬ это (не знаю, о чем речь) ВСЕМЕРНО/насколько это возможно! Спасибо, что были с нами...

:)  thanks a lot



you're welcome! :)



Зая написал(а):

This couldn't be more darling! LOVE it in EVERY way possible! Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB this week!

Я в этом уловила несколько иной смысл. Я бы так перевела: Это не может быть более драгоценным (типа, милее не бывает), любите это всеми способами, спасибо, что вступили/подписались/зарегестрировались на CCCB (не знаю что это).



Anelia написал(а):

Это не может быть более драгоценным (типа, милее не бывает),

пожалуй, соглашусь. не учла я darling без запятой :). Но было б все-таки проще, если б Зая уточнила, откуда это (чат/тв/сайт какой-то)?



Happy birthday!



biggieThank you so much! :cool:



Anelia, nice to meet you here! I mean, one more person speaking good fluent English. :)
May I ask you a question? What about your daughters: do they speak both English and Russian well? Or is one of the languages dominant? Excuse me my curiousity, but I've been interested since I think of going abroad with my child/children some day, and nobody knows if we'll come back.



Julia&Maria, I was saying earlier, my kids only speak Russian and they started learning French in September at their day care centre, so they understand French really well, but use only separate words or phrases, they don't speak in sentences yet. We are putting a lot of effort into keeping them away from English, but there is no escape, I guess. They picking up English phrases like you wouldn' believe! In any event, we're discouraging use of either French or English at home. If they say something in French or English to me, I insist that they repeat in Russian, before I would even continue the conversation. Based on the experience of many generations of immigrants in our city, that's the only way to ensure they will end up speaking Russian. And we have great examples before us, third and forth-generation Russian-Canadians in our community speak fluent Russian, some of them have never traveled outside of Canada in their lives. Never belive those, who tell you that children have to lose their ethnic identity living abroad and that they forget their mother tongue. Well, that only happens to those kids, who have very lazy parents.



Anelia, HB to you as well, sorry that it comes a bit later. Let all your plans come true, lots of happiness and luck)



It's good to see you here again!



biggie написал(а):

пожалуй, соглашусь. не учла я darling без запятой :). Но было б все-таки проще, если б Зая уточнила, откуда это (чат/тв/сайт какой-то)?

это коммент к посту в моем блогевот...я в итоге вошла там в СССВ в топтут
я поняла что они мне что-то очень хорошее пишут....но абсолютно точно сама перевести не смогла....а переводчик тож не точно писал...спасибо за помощь))))



понятно. тогда окончательный вариант такой: 

Anelia написал(а):

милее не бывает

. [мне в вашей работе] все очень-очень нравится! Спасибо, что присоединились к нам на CCCB.



Anelia написал(а):

I was saying earlier

Anelia, thanks for your answer and excuse me if the question had been already asked before.

biggie написал(а):

It's good to see you here again!

Thank you, biggie!  8-) Though I regreted something (you know what) it wasn't the reason for my absence (as you might thought :question:). I have had a lot to do recently and could hardly find any time to visit the forum.



Anelia написал(а):

We are putting a lot of effort into keeping them away from English,

I don't understand why.. :dontknow:



ksanka, because when children grow up in English-speaking environment, they naturally chose to speak English, and avoid all other languages. Since English is probably the easiest language in the world, it's really challenging for native English speakers to learn different languages later. That is why it's very important to me, that the children immediately - while their brain is ready to absorb all sorts of knowledge, like a sponge - become fluent in structurally more complicated languages, such as Russian and French. English is so easy, it will come to them without any effort anyways, and it is often way too tempting for the kids to follow the path of least resistance. That is why there are many examples when second-generation immigrants forget their mother tongue and speak only English. I don't want my kids to speak foreign language to me, or to their grandparents, especially taking into account, that my husband's parents still live in Brest and don't speak English at all. And - especially in Polish community - there are many cases when grandparents from back home come to visit, and cannot communicate with their grandchildren without an interpreter. That's very sad to say the least, and that definetely won't be happening in my family. I'm putting a lot of effort into it every day.



Anelia написал(а):

English is probably the easiest language in the world

I didn't know that.. As for me, it's as difficalt as French. When I studied French both seemd similar to me. Unfortunatelly, I forgot F. without practice.



ksanka написал(а):

I didn't know that..

I did not mean for it to sound like an absolute truth, that's just my personal opinion. I studied German in school, and later on in Canada I studiedn French in university for 4 years, and compared to those languages English was the easiest for me. I would say even easier than Polish, which I learnt while still living in Brest. If you think about it, English nouns have no genger or kind. There is no worry about putting adjective in agreement with nouns, where are in other languages adjectives have to agree with noun in kind, genger etc. All there is to it, is 12 verb tenses, out of which really only 9 are used. Get those nailed - and you have English grammar in your pocket. Oh, and memorize some irregular verbs too. I would say, three dozen of those is usually enough for day-to-day use. Everything is very simple. Again, that's just what I personally think.

Apparently, Chinese language also has a very simple grammar. My Chinese collegues at work told me, it's as simple as English, and foreigners living in China pick up the spoken language in a matter of a 2-3 months. Writing and reading Chinese, of course, is a whole different story.



Do you believe in luck? Do you have any 'superstitious rituals'?



biggie написал(а):

Do you have any 'superstitious rituals'?

just putting a "+" on my left palm before an examination, it means that I'll pass it))) no matter what kind of question I might get.



right, students are as superstitious as sportsmen/athletes...
and so are pregnant women!



biggie написал(а):

and so are pregnant women!

I wasn't during my pregnancy)))) don't know why)



Superstition in Pregnancy

Superstition in pregnancy is natural, as Mothers will do anything if they think it will ensure a the birth of a healthy child. Unfortunately, the origin of superstition in pregnancy is covered with a gloom and lost in the distant past. Many can be categorised as "old wives tales." A widespread superstition in pregnancy is "it is better not to tell anyone about the pregnancy." The modern woman is probably not quite so bad as those of yesteryear, and often only wait for the all clear from medical staff, for fear of tempting fate. This particular superstition in pregnancy used to see the midwives entering the house of the pregnant woman by the back door to avoid bringing attention. It was considered that the less people knew about it, the easier the pregnancy.

Another superstition in pregnancy " It is better not to cut hair during pregnancy". There is not logical explanation for this belief, but some women quite seriously declare that it could seriously affect the baby and by cutting the hair it could cut the lifespan of the unborn child. In fact during pregnancy hormones positively influence growth and structure of hair. Therefore, this irrational superstition in pregnancy is well wide of the mark, as hair becomes stronger, richer and more silky. A final example of superstition in pregnancy is when a child is on the way, many expectant mothers reach for the knitting needles. However, as a superstition in pregnancy it is often declared that "it is better not to knit during the pregnancy." The feeling is that it can cause confusion to the child. Once again there seems little rational or logical explanation for this line of thinking, but then again the same can be said of many activities and behaviour - and not just during pregnancy!

I confess: I didn't have my hair cut in all 9 months of my first pregnancy http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/blush.gif



biggie написал(а):

There is not logical explanation for this belief, but some women quite seriously declare that it could seriously affect the baby and by cutting the hair it could cut the lifespan of the unborn child.

In fact, there is some explanation based even on a scientific point of view. It is considered that human hair is a powerful carrier of biological and energetic information about a person. Thus pregnancy being a serious biological rearrangement cannot but influence hair "content" -- i.e. hair of a pregnant women has the information about a baby as well. A woman cutting her hair cuts a sort of energy from her unborn baby and since it is yet unborn this energy should have been used for prenatal development (which sounds rather like a superstition than a scientific fact, in my opinion).
As for me, I am not superstitious at all and I had my hair cut twice during my pregnancy (just the very ends as I usually do).



Have a look at the pictures of some famous mums and their daughters!



As I'm a teacher myself I find this is an interesting issue.  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/mosking.gif

Отредактировано biggie (13-04-2011 10:42:46)



Has there ever been such an indulged girl? You can only wonder what she will be like when she’s blowing out the candles on her 18th birthday cake.

I don't even know what I feel about this girl...  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif  Do you?...



I think she's poor girl. Children must have childhood. When you're 5 you should play dolls with other children but not visiting parties & musicals.
By the way, what about organising English meeting. It may be drinking tea or visiting park with children & speaking EL. It's a good opporunity to have oral practice. What do you think?



I like the park idea! and there's a long weekend ahead... Let's see who else would like to join us



ksanka написал(а):

organising English meeting

I do support the idea. the matter is to fix the time that satisfies the majority. however, do not see a lot of people willing to attend.
Sooo, anybody else to join?



Linka написал(а):

however, do not see a lot of people willing to attend

I think there's no need in a crowd.
Let's choose time & date.